Friday, June 23, 2017

23 June - Vallejo Northern Route via Sonoma

23 June
We did a dry run this morning driving to Vallejo via a northern route near Sonoma.  As mentioned before, there is a major NASCAR race this weekend just a few miles away, and we need to get past that to Vallejo on Saturday to tour downtown San Francisco, and then again on Sunday to attend the SF Giants / Mets baseball game at AT&T park.  Delays getting to the Vallejo ferry will punch a hole in either or both.  Traffic our here is nuts-o.

So we headed out and the route seems OK, but the acid test will be the traffic on the weekend.  We think we have the timetable figured out, but to add a bit of insurance we are going to drop off Liberty tomorrow morning and she will spend the night at the doggie daycare place.  This takes the pressure off getting back before they close so we can fully enjoy the day at SF and also and maybe more importantly, we don;t have to drop her off Sunday morning before we head to Vallejo to catch the ferry for the baseball game.

One the way back we found the local Walmart and restocked on some food items, and then headed back to the campground for the remainder of the afternoon.

Cubs/Marlins game was blacked out ($$#%$#$&&%) so I spent the afternoon knocking some items off my "list".  Lots of periodic maintenance on the RV.  One of the items we have to do is to clean and lube the rubber seals around our slideouts.  When we were at the Jayco factory last summer, the service manager there gave me a tip that the best product to use on the rubber seals is Lemon Pledge furniture polish.  So I got that knocked out.  I also scrubbed the bugs off the front cap, and off the front of the truck.  Doreen took care of some stuff around here and enjoyed a nice walk with Liberty around the pond.

Tomorrow we head to drop Liberty off at 0800 hrs and then head to Vallejo via the back roads so as to avoid the traffic.  With an luck at all we will be at Pier 41 and Fisherman's Wharf at 1230 hrs to get our GoCar and head out touring SF.

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