We returned from Michelle's a bit earlier than originally planned, so we decided to depart a couple days earlier - Wednesday 10 May! It works out nice as it gives us a couple extra days at Offutt Air Force Base and the Omaha-Council Bluffs area. So here is an updated map and an updated spreadsheet:
Preparation is going great. We even did an update to the RV and added a new set of steps made by MORryde called the 'Step Above'. It is a one piece aluminum stair with four individual steps and adjustable legs that touch the ground. So, it is very solid and the fourth step helps with sloped camping spots.
So, Wednesday morning 10 May we will hit the road for a short drive over to Offutt's Fam Camp (Family Campground). We are really looking forward to the trip!
We are really looking forward to this adventure! Thanks, Shell! Hope your recovery continues so you can fully enjoy the 2017 camping season!