We contacted son Dan and family and they met us at home this afternoon. It was great to see them! The grand kids really grew while we were gone! Dan helped me get the water and natural gas turned back on and pilot re-lit on the water heater. Dan also reset my surveillance camera server so my long term video storage is back on line.
Our list ahead looks endless! We will be heading out of town at the end of the week and we have to get the RV unpacked and everything stowed from our 146 night trip! I need to get it to the body shop this week to have them look at the rear cap. They worked on it two years ago and it is showing some fading like the front one did. We contacted the insurance company to turn the insurance back on for our Chrysler 200 that was stored in the garage. The Battery Minder we connected to the battery this year did it's job and the 200 started right up.
This trip was absolutely fantastic! Like last year, the best part of the trip from my standpoint was having the opportunity to reconnect with so many friends, military comrades and relatives. The historical sites we visited were great! I could go on and on about this but we will save that for another time. We are looking forward to planning our adventure, yet to be determined.
Doreen and I hope you enjoyed traveling along with us as we hit the road. The blog was a lot of work but the wireless network I installed in the RV this year and the AT&T cellular data device made it so that we NEVER had to go to Panera Bread or McDonalds for WiFi. That really helped. It will be fun for us to go back through it and review where we have been. After last year I figured out a way to write it to a .pdf file so we can save it for future reference.
Here are a few final stats:
30 campgrounds visited (28 last year)
146 nights camping (146 nights last year also)
6603 miles point to point (miles on the RV and truck between campgrounds - was 5506 miles last year)
213 point to point miles average on travel days (204 miles last year)
10978 vicinity miles (miles on the truck while touring - 7286 miles last year)
366 vicinity miles average (291 miles last year)
17,581 total miles traveled (12,792 miles last year)
13.16 miles/gal average fuel economy (13.17 last year)
79 fuels stops (53 last year)
$3339.08 diesel fuel purchased ($2250.29 last year)
1279.566 gals diesel fuel purchased (971.469 gallons last year)
$2.673 average diesel fuel cost/gal ($2.31 last year)
$42.81 @ 16.197 gal average diesel fuel per fill ($42.47 @ 18.330 last year)
$2.299 cheapest fuel at Denver CO on 27 May ($1.969 last year in MO)
$3.399 most expensive fuel at Point Reyes CA on 20 Jun ($2.709 last year in PA)
25 gal DEF used (15 gal last year)
$4171.91 camping fees total entire trip ($4299.01 last year)
$28.57 average camping fees
6 Major League baseball games attended